Dive into the meticulous world of rifle craftsmanship with 'The Precision Riflesmith,' a captivating documentary directed and produced by Sheldon Charron. This film takes viewers on an unparalleled journey behind the scenes of Bryant Custom's renowned rifle-making process, showcasing the art and precision that define bespoke rifles.
The film was designed to connect with viewers on an emotional level, make them feel like they knew Mike Bryant personally and give them a reason to pick him over his competition. The film went viral and received over 100,000 views in 48 hours. It’s now had millions of views worldwide. The result was a 4x increase in revenue in less than a year.
“When Enter360 launched the film and new website on social media, we immediately started getting a ton of messages and phone calls. When the film was released on Amazon Prime, things went to a whole new level. I usually get several inquires a day through the website. To say I’m happy with their work would be a huge understatement.”